About Delve Deeper

Delve Deeper is a Jewish education initiative that brings dynamic teachers to lead in-depth, university level courses to a diverse group of adult learners in greater Rhode Island. Courses cover a period of Jewish history or a specific Jewish theme, text, or personality. Classes are held on a weekday evening for two hours and run for ten weeks.

Delve Deeper programs are presented in cooperation with the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island and area synagogues, including: 

Congregation Beth Sholom, 

Temple Beth-El, 

Temple Emanu-El, 

Temple Habonim, 

Temple Sinai, 

and Temple Torat Yisrael.

A list of courses we have offered since Spring 2017 is available in the “Past Classes” section of this website.

We welcome your suggestions for instructors and topics for future programs.

For further information, please contact Morty Miller (info@delvedeeper.org).